Women's Self Defense | - OnPoint Range
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Women’s Self Defense | Training & What You Need To Know


When it comes to women’s self defense training, starting out as a beginner can be challenging and even scary. This is where self defense training courses come in. The skills you learn in women’s self defense or a firearms training course can help you to live a safer, more peaceful life. In addition to learning how to defend yourself, you will gain confidence, become empowered, and develop a heightened awareness about your surroundings. More importantly, your training will provide you with valuable information that can help keep you safe both at home and on the road. Below you will find some helpful suggestions on how to begin down the road of women’s self defense.

Take A Firearms Training Course

Our firearm courses provide a unique learning environment where women of all ages can learn the fundamentals of using a firearm, home safety, storage and firearm safety at home, concealed carry laws, and other important information. These are very important aspects of women’s self defense. We give everyone who attends this class a shot at making a difference by becoming more confident in their ability to defend themselves and their loved ones should they ever be faced with harm. 

Purchase A Firearm for Self Defense

Some women choose to rent or borrow a few firearms to see how it feels when shooting. Others know what they want and go straight out to buy it. Whichever method you choose on your path to women’s self defense is A-OK in our book. We care about teaching you about the safety of using your firearm and ensuring you feel safe and comfortable during practice and in real life. If you already own your firearm, it may be time to head to the range for a firearms training course. If you still need to purchase one, our team can assist you in finding the firearm that best suits your needs. 

Go To The Gun Range For Shooting Practice

If you’re practicing women’s self defense  and you own a firearm, it’s important to know how to handle it safely. Whether it is your first time shooting or your 100th time, It is vitally important that you practice the four firearms safety rules. We care about teaching you to safely use a firearm and ensuring you…

  1. Treat All Guns as Though They are Loaded.
  2. Always Keep Firearm Pointed in a Safe direction. Never point your gun at anything you do not intend to shoot. 
  3. Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger until You are Ready to Shoot.
  4. Always Be Sure of Your Target and What’s Beyond It.

Specific instruction is the most valuable thing a firearms training course can offer you. You don’t just want to know how to fire the firearm —you need to learn when and why. These rules should be committed to memory before you touch any of your firearms.

Here at OnPoint Range, Raleigh,  we teach women how to shoot firearms, rifles, and shotguns! While some women have never fired before, that is no reason to be nervous or afraid. We are experts in handling first-time shooters. So, if you’re curious on how to get started shooting, let us know! There’s a wide world of firearms and women’s self defense products out there. Arming yourself with the knowledge of how to utilize them is a key to success. 

Learn How To Defend Yourself 

Women’s self defense is all about learning how to defend and protect yourself when you are caught off guard. It is never a bad time to invest in training for yourself.

Whether you work out of your home or away from it, there may be times when you find yourself alone in a potentially dangerous situation. The goal of women’s self defense is to give you the tools needed to safely navigate these situations while keeping your head clear of fear and panic.

Women’s self defense can be broken down into three main categories: 

  • Awareness
  • Prevention
  • Reaction 

By taking our courses, you will learn about each of these categories and what they mean in terms of women’s self defense. 

Don’t Leave Home Without It

Owning a firearm is a big responsibility. It is a tool that can be used to protect yourself and your loved ones. As such, it’s important to make sure you have been properly trained before owning and operating one.

Once you are ready to own and operate a firearm and feel you have been properly trained, never leave home without it. You never know when you might need it!

Use Firearm Safes

Firearm safety is a big part of women’s self defense. And that includes safety in the home such as using a safe to lock up your firearms. You also want to make sure that you’re storing your firearm in an area of your house where is it not easily accessible by children or intruders. Storing your guns where minors can’t get them is not just good practice but the law. You are responsible for the actions of any minor using your guns.

A safe can keep your firearms out of reach from anyone who shouldn’t have access to them. It also has another benefit: it allows you to store other valuables in one place so that if someone breaks into your home, they won’t be able to take everything at once!

It’s a good idea, as a woman, to arm yourself with self defense knowledge and the ability to use a firearm should you choose to carry. 

Having these skills can give you confidence, and hopefully you’ll never need to use them. But it is good to think about what you might do if you end up in a dangerous situation. If you want to learn more about self defense, OnPoint Range, Raleigh has your back!