Visit Us At The Range | - OnPoint Range
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Plan Your Visit

Before heading to OnPoint Range, Raleigh, please take a moment to watch our safety video and complete the online safety waiver. After you have completed that, you can visit our online scheduler and select which time slot works best for you. You will be asked to create a profile, we suggest using your email! If you don’t mind a possible wait, you are welcome to walk in at any time. Please take a moment to read our range rules, which clarifies important information such as what to wear, which calibers and ammunition are permitted, and additional safety rules.

When You Arrive

Please plan to arrive about 20 minutes early at the range, especially if planning to rent a firearm. Head to the main counter with your government issued ID. Then you are ready to begin the check in process with our staff members. Our staff will assist you in selecting ammunition, hearing protection, and targets from the store, as well as help you with any firearm rentals. Feel free to shop, grab a snack, or take a seat in our lounge area prior to your range time. Five minutes prior to your scheduled range time, head back up to the counter to grab everything you need. Once cleared for entry, our staff will notify you when it’s time for you to enter on the range. We will process your bill after your range time. Have fun shooting!

Once You Finish

After your range time has concluded, don’t forget to head back to the counter with any firearm rentals or equipment. One of our staff members will help with check-out. If you requested any ammunition or additional items while shooting or had any rental equipment, we will simply add it to your final bill. After check-out is a great time to take any final photos. Our staff is always willing to help! After you leave, please take a moment to leave us a review on Google and tag us on social media! Thanks for sharing your experience at OnPoint Range, Raleigh!

General Information


Hours of Operation:

Monday – 12pm to 8pm

Tuesday – 12pm to 6pm

Wednesday – 12pm to 8pm

Thursday – 12pm to 8pm

Friday – 12pm to 8pm

Saturday – 10am to 8pm

Sunday – 11am to 7pm

Getting Started!

Here is a list of must do’s before you come to the range:




Main Bay

  • 10 lanes at 25 yards
  • Can shoot long guns and handguns


Group Bays (two)

  • 4 lanes at 15 yards
  • Can shoot pistol and pistol caliber carbines only



Other Important Information


When you come to the range it is important to have a few things with you.

First, be sure to bring a state ID with you.  Preferably a driver’s license or state ID card. A passport will also work.

Next, what to wear? On our range, like any other range, brass is ejected from your firearms and some of the firearms around you.  As a result, here are some recommendations for how to dress for success at the range.

We strongly recommend closed toe shoes.  Additionally, we strongly discourage low cut tops or blouses.  Shorts are fine; as are short sleeved shirts.  Tank tops are not recommended.  Wearing a baseball cap is not a bad idea as it can direct the falling brass away from your face.

On our range we allow calibers up to, but not including, .50 BMG.

Additionally, only brass cased ammunition is allowed.  This means, no steel or aluminum cased ammunition, no incindiary or armor piercing rounds.

You can shoot shotguns on the range, but only using buckshot or slugs.  Specifically buckshot up to #4 buckshot (not to be confused with #4 birdshot).

All firearms used on our range must have sight, either traditional iron sights or some type of optic. 

Age Requirements


8yr + – General range use 
10yr + – Discover Shooting or Parent/Child Classes or Private Lessons with a Parent or Guardian 
16yr + – Discover Shooting, Classes or Private Lessons without a Parent or Guardian on Range (must be in building) 
16yr + – IDPA (parental permission and presence, not participation required). 
18yr + – Long gun rentals 
21yr + – Handgun and Full Auto Rental, handgun ammo purchasing


If you have any questions regarding your future visit to OnPoint, just send us a message!