Training | - OnPoint Range
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Train @ OnPoint


From the classroom to the range, enjoy our friendly and comfortable learning environment! What makes OnPoint a very effective training experience is: 

  • Our professional instructors 
  • Modular progression-based curriculum 
  • Innovative technology 

OnPoint instruction was designed by the best of the best. Our modular course curriculum is based on proven techniques. These techniques focus on skills development through performance-based application and reinforcement of fundamentals. Top military and law enforcement instructors with decades of experience developed our curriculum. Our students are always building upon previous skill sets. This ensures a natural and effective progression as they move toward mastery. 


Modular Approach  

All our handgun, rifle and shotgun classes are modular. They have a defined curriculum, guaranteeing content consistency regardless of instructor. This comes in handy as you progress through the classes. This approach also allows us to incorporate these same modules in specialty courses. Such courses include: 

This ensures that your firearms training enhances the incremental classroom and Challenge House-based training in these course . It also gives you flexibility in how you want to progress through your training experience.  

Training Options beyond the Class  

Complimenting the training experience for our students, our individual lane range technology runs most of the drills that we use in class so you can practice your newly acquired skills on your own. Additionally, we offer range nights where you can practice skills learned in class that are typically hard to practice in a stall under the supervision of one of our instructors. 

 To view our training schedule and sign up, please click here.

Be sure to review our rescheduling and cancellation policy.