Range Rules | - OnPoint Range
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OnPoint Range Rules



  • We do not allow open carry of a firearm on your person, except for Law Enforcement personnel, OnPoint instructors and RSOs, and students in specified classes. Firearms must remain in your holster until in the shooting stall. 
  • All persons entering any of the range bays must review and sign the OnPoint RELEASE, WAIVER, HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFICATION AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT. 
  • We do not allow concealed carry of a firearm on your person, except for law enforcement personnel, OnPoint employees, and those who are legally permitted to carry concealed in North Carolina. You must present Law enforcement identification or concealed carry permit upon request. Firearms must remain in your holster until in the shooting stall. 
  • We do not recommend flip flops, sandals, or open footwear of any kind. We also do not recommend low-cut shirts due to the safety risks associated with muzzle discipline when hot brass makes prolonged contact with the skin. 
  • Firearm safety is YOUR first and foremost responsibility. Be sure your firearm is safe to operate, use the appropriate ammunition, and know how to use it safely. If you have any questions about the operating mechanism and/or safety features of your firearm, please ask a Range Safety Officer (RSO) for assistance. 
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs (including prescription and over-the-counter medications) that will affect your ability to participate with a maximum state of awareness and in a completely safe manner, BEFORE OR DURING any live fire activities is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. The RSO will deny range access to anyone that is or appears to be in violation. 
  • It is strongly recommended that pregnant woman do not enter any of the range bays due to the risks associated with lead and noise exposure. 
  • We recommend both earplugs and earmuffs for children. 
  • Please use the airlock as designed. Do not open the second door going in or out of the range until the first door closes. 
  • Wash your hands after each range use with cold soap and water. OnPoint provides designated hand washing stations for your convenience. 
  • OnPoint rules on age and firearm possession are in line with federal and state laws. You must be at least 21 years of age to rent or purchase a handgun and/or handgun ammunition from OnPoint or 18 years of age to rent or purchase a long gun without a parent or guardian. Individuals between 18-20 years of age who bring their own firearm and ammunition may use the range without a parent or guardian. 
  • If you are behaving in an unsafe manner, OnPoint will ask you to leave the range, and no refunds will be given. Behaving in an unsafe manner is defined as violating any of the safety rules listed in the OnPoint Range Rules. OnPoint may, but is not required to give you a warning, prior to asking you to leave the range.


  • Young shooters (under 18 years of age) are only allowed to shoot on the range with their parent or guardian or other adult authorized under a signed Parental Consent; one young shooter per adult. We do not allow children under the age of 8 on the range, unless they are in a class specified for youth. Shooter must accompany the child.
  • Tactical vests and body armor are only permitted by law enforcement personnel and instructors and students in specified classes requiring their use. 
  • Only OnPoint approved 3rd party instructors may use the range to conduct training. We require all 3rd Party Instructors to be OnPoint members, carry liability insurance and name OnPoint as an additional insured. Instructors will need to inform the RSO prior to beginning a training session. We require all instruction and training activities to follow all OnPoint safety and guest policies and must not infringe on another guest’s experience. 

Ammunition / Firearms Restrictions 

  • All firearms used must be legally compliant, functionally safe, and operable. 
  • If you will be renting a firearm, you must purchase ammunition from OnPoint. 
  • Excessively large or high velocity cartridges (calibers exceeding either a maximum velocity of 3,888 fps or a maximum or 3,600 ft./lbs. of energy) that are unsuitable and/or unsafe for an indoor 25-yard range are not permitted. These prohibited cartridges generally include .50 BMG, steel core, tracer, incendiary, armor-piercing, non-brass casing, and other unsuitable ammunitions. We only allow slugs and buckshot for shotguns. We reserve the right to inspect any outside ammunition. We can deny such ammunition for any reason. 
  • We do allow hand-loaded ammunition in individual shooting stalls; however, we only permit factory ammunition during training or group events. 
  • Black powder & muzzle loading firearms are not permitted. 
  • We require NFA paperwork for fully automatic firearms and NFA accessories.

Firing Line Safety

  • You must always fire in a controlled manner. 
  • There is a maximum of two persons per shooting lane, but only one person may occupy the stall while shooting. The 2nd person must allow sufficient space behind the shooter to allow the RSO to pass freely. The only exception to this rule is when an OnPoint Instructor or approved 3rd party instructor is working with a student, or an adult with a child under their supervision.
  • Parties of three may share a lane but may be required to rotate people on and off the range due to congestion. This decision is made by the RSO on the bay. If you want to ensure all members of your party are on the range for the entire time of your reservation, rent lanes sufficient to accommodate your entire party.
  • Shooters and spectators must always wear eye and ear protection while inside the range. 
  • We do not allow food, drink, gum, tobacco, or vaping devices inside the range. We allow smoking or vaping in the designated area outside of the facility. 
  • Always keep all firearms pointed down range toward the target in your lane. No exceptions. Any unsafe handling of a firearm will result in immediate removal from the range. 
  • Always keep the action open and firearm unloaded until ready to fire. Keep your finger off the trigger until you align your sights and you are ready to shoot. Fire only when all persons are behind the firing line and safe conditions exist. 
  • Shooters may only shoot at targets in their assigned lane; no cross-lane shooting or shooting at walls, ceiling, target carriers/holders, etc. 
  • Firearms may move from one lane to another if they are unloaded and cased. Otherwise, move shooters between lanes, not firearms. 
  • If you need to leave the range for any reason, unload your firearm in the shooting stall and notify an RSO. 
  • If there is a misfire, be sure to keep the muzzle pointed down range at your target for at least 45 seconds, in case it is a hang fire.  
  • Do not bring any loaded firearms or firearms that have malfunctioned off the range for any reason. If you experience a problem, place the firearm on the bench in your lane pointed down range, step back from the shooting stall, and raise hand to notify an RSO. 
  • Upon the command of “CEASE FIRE” or the sound of a whistle, stop all shooting immediately. Place the firearm on the bench with the muzzle pointed down range, back away from the firing line, and await further instruction. 
  • Drawing from a holster is only permitted for those possessing a holster draw certification from OnPoint. We only allow outside the waistband holster draws unless additionally certified for concealed-carry appendix carry holster draw. Drawing from concealment in any other holster position is only allowed as part of an OnPoint lead class or event. If you have an OnPoint certification to draw from a holster, notify an RSO before doing so. Holsters must have some form of retention; however, we do not allow holsters with retention release buttons near the trigger area (i.e., SERPA-style). We do not allow leg loops that pull the angle of the barrel into the shooters leg. All holstering must be conducted in a manner where the muzzle of the barrel never crosses any body part. Any unsafe holstering observed will result in immediate revocation of holstering certification.
  • Only shoot as fast as you are comfortable shooting regardless of any game or drill prompts given. 
  • You may collect your personally purchased brass within the confines of your shooting stall only once your firearm is clear and in its case; however, you must leave any brass that falls beyond the line of fire. You are not permitted to collect any other brass on the range. 
  • When you compete firing, you must clear all firearms and stow them properly in their cases prior to exiting the shooting stall and range area. Each shooter on the range must clean up their bench and collect their targets prior to leaving. Those with authorization by OnPoint to carry a personal firearm must holster their firearm while facing down range prior to exiting their shooting stall. DO NOT UNHOLSTER YOUR FIREARM FOR ANY REASON UNLESS A RANGE STAFF MEMBER INSTRUCTS YOU. 
  • If you observe an unsafe condition or any other situation that gives you concern, report it to a RSO immediately.