LEO Program | - OnPoint Range
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Law Enforcement Program

Law Enforcement Range Program


OnPoint recognizes the importance of law enforcement for the community and the need for law enforcement to have the opportunity to practice their firearms skills. Law enforcement’s choice to place themselves in a high-risk profession to serve and protect our community is the purpose of the OnPoint Range use program. This program is for current “ACTIVE” sworn officers.

OnPoint’s LE range program is not a membership and no other discounts apply (unless a paying member). 

The LEO program does not include ammo, eye and ear protection, targets, or firearms rental. Officer must supply any items required for practicing or pay for the items needed.

This program allows the duly sworn officer to shoot at OnPoint Range for free for 1 hour a week for free.

LEO Program Guidelines

Monday through Friday between the hours of 12pm and 5pm as a walk-in based on lane availability. 

• We may also ask Officers coming together to share a lane (2 shooters per lane) depending on lane availability.

• LEO’s bringing a guest to share a lane (non-officer), the guest rate is $12.50.

• Maximum session time is one hour, and we reserve the right to shorten it if a full hour is not available.

• Also, we charge a $25.00 hourly late rate for any additional time beyond one hour (if available).

Defining Federal, State, County, and Local Sworn Law Enforcement: “ACTIVE” Agents and Officers certified with jurisdiction for investigation and arrest powers by the Federal Government or the State of North Carolina Department of Justice & Criminal Justice Training and Standards. 

LEO Program Guidelines (continued)

• Federal Law Enforcement, ex. (FBI, ATF, CIA, ICE, DHS, DEA, SS, US Marshalls, USPIS, Federal Sworn Uniform Police, Federal Corrections Officers)

• State Law Enforcement ex. (NC Highway Patrol, NC ALE, NC SBI, NC Probation & Parole Officers, State or Local Corrections Officers, Other Sworn State Agents)

• County, Municipal, and Campus Law Enforcement ex. (County Sheriff’s sworn Deputies, County Police, Municipal Police, University Campus Police, Hospital Campus Police) Officers wanting to participate in this program must supply a copy of their Badge and Official Photo Identification and Driver’s license for OnPoint to keep on file and supply an agency contact phone number.

Lastly, please download and complete THIS FORM. Bring it with you to OnPoint.

An annual update must be provided to ensure Active/Sworn status.